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Got any Thanksgiving questions for the 'boys, Emma & Yusong? Hit us up... we may answer on an upcoming Double! 



Hey, Dough Family! Do you guys ever pregame for Thanksgiving, or is that just a drunk southern thing? I have a lot of conservative family whose ranting I can't stand sober. If I'm bringing my own, I'll drink a 6 pack of a porter or some kind of fall promo beer like a Sam Adams Octoberfest. Otherwise, I'll drink any ol swill another family member has brought. Thanks, Jay from Kentucky, a fellow burger boy and self proclaimed stuffing stan.

Jeffrey Loh

This is for Yusong As a PA on the She-Hulk series, how many visual effects supervisors did you yell at and could we hear an example?


If you could replace your blood with one kind of sauce, what would you choose? Note: This wouldn’t kill you.

Kenny Gardner

Do you guys believe in drive thru etiquette. Meaning, no big orders, no special requests, exact change or card only, and moving up enough to let people behind you order.


Hey Doughboys! I'm half Mexican, so growing up, it was normal for my Thanksgivings to heavily feature Mexican food amongst the traditional Thanksgiving offerings. If you could choose to have one cultures food join your Thanksgiving feast, what would you choose? Thanks! Patricio (Puh-tree-see-o)


Do you call it “stuffing” or “dressing”. My dad’s side of the family is more well-to-do and calls it dressing. Mom’s side is as Southern as they come and calls it stuffing.


How do y’all feel about trying new recipes at a thanksgiving gathering? Is thanksgiving a time for expected traditions, or would you welcome innovations?


Mitch, who carves the turkey, you or your mum?


My lovely wife and I will be having a baby this Thanksgiving. Since it's been a pretty problematic holiday we're thinking going forward we'll treat her birthday as the holiday instead. What holidays would you replace with your birthday if you could?


What is your thanksgiving plate breakdown? Do you get even amounts of everything? Dark meat/light meat? Cranberry sauce? Describe your ideal plate


What's a thanksgiving food that you think is better from the store than homemade? (for me it's gotta be cranberry sauce)


Favorite bean?