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Got any life advice questions for the 'boys, Emma & Yusong? Hit us up... we may answer on an upcoming Double! Do you want to keep it more anonymous? Feel free to email us at doughboyspodcast@gmail.com with the subject line Life Advice and we'll try not to ruin your life again! Plus let us know your max lift!



Hey Amelia, Emma, Mitch, Nick and Yusong! So dick-fil-a, oops, I mean Chick-fil-A, is opening TWO new locations within half a mile of each other on a major surface street in my neighborhood. Besides looking forward to the construction and horrible drive thru traffic jams, one of those locations is within spitting distance of a Popeyes! I cannot describe the unexpected wave of anger and disrespect I felt for this Popeyes when hearing the news. do you have any personal experience with competition coming in town and screwing over a restaurant you liked? Or better yet, where the underdog restaurant prevailed?!

Doug Justice

Best practices for keeping it real as fuck at all times? Max Lift is my secret identity and i'll thank you to not out me on that


Hi Doughboys and guests, should I invite the guy who I have been seeing for 2 months to my grandmother's funeral? My max lift is 80 lbs on the T bar row. STRONG BACK 4 LIFE. P.S. Please go back on Dumbbells soon! From Monica from Michigan


I recently joined a gym with a pool and have started swimming for exercise. I know Wiger likes to swim, does he or anyone else have any tips? Do you have a workout plan you stick to, switch up stokes, or just swim until you can’t anymore? Thanks so much!


How do you guys deal with people that want to tell you about their grand vacation and you just don't give a single fuck? Love you all. I don't lift but I do at least 100 push-ups a day.


Hi Doughboys, Emma, Yusong, Amelia, and kitties! I write patents at a law firm for a living. I could go to law school part time for four years to become an attorney and make almost double my current salary while doing basically the same work. But my wife and I have an almost two year old, and I hate the idea of being away from him to go to school. Although, I could make more $$ and set him and future kids up nicely for college/life/etc. What do you think I should do? Thanks! Love, Kevin. #burgerbrigade4life


Hey Nick, Mitch, Emma, and Yosong, my wife is due in early September (Mitch our first date was at Lynnwood) and I thought the Doughboys could help with a question related to both children and dining. What does the crew think the etiquette for parents with babies or young children? Should the whisk the baby away at the first sign of crying? How much weird staring from a toddler should be tolerated? This and any other thoughts would be greatly appreciated. -Thanks, Tom


How do you pee pee when there is so much poo poo in the world?


I just got a new promotion that I feel incredibly under qualified for. Do you guys ever get imposter syndrome, and when you do how do you overcome it? Stress is hard sometimes.


what am i supposed to do? -thanks

Philip Ehlke

Hmm let me dig around in the hack sack for a question (I actually live near a town called Hackensack, home of the hacky sack*): what regional chain from your region (current or former) would you trade for a regional chain from another? For example I’d trade Perkins for Del Taco. #swappyboys *not remotely true


What qualities does Mitch’s mom have that Mitch seeks in other woman.