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Jamelle Bouie (The New York Times, Unclear and Present Danger) joins the 'boys to discuss Top Gun: Maverick, Jackie Chan, and political thrillers before a review of different cereals, including the new Dunkaroos cereal.



Rachel Webster

I want Mitch to start the Movies All Day podcast


I’ve tried US cereal but I couldn’t have it in the morning, such sweetness is for dessert, not breakfast 🤯


We don't distinguish much between the two in the states. Have to make use of that surplus of corn crops we've been subsidizing for about the last hundred years.

From Parts Unknown

What an odd coincidence that Wolfgang Petersen gets brought up.


Hell yeah! Jamelle is such a great pick as guest, I really like his writing. Very pleasant surprise to see him on the show


Omg I just watched that Jackie Chan video and it was so touching I got a boner.

Philip Ehlke

Love Unclear and Present Danger. It’s true that “Cereal” is a pretty good name for a podcast 😁


Anyone know who I contact for tech support with the RSS feed no longer updating for the Doubles? Tried it with multiple podcast apps, but nothing is working and I can't see where to ask for assistance.


I'm sorry you're having trouble with your RSS feed! Have you tried deleting it from the app and re-adding it? Alternatively, it helps sometimes to delete and re-add your payment info or unsubscribe and resubscribe. I hope it gets resolved soon!

Gus Chambers

Fun episode. Ok, I’m gonna comment this in all your most recent episodes…. YOU NEED TO GET THE BOYS BACK ON THE POD JESUS


Love you guys! (Not equally of course. I tried to explain Cowan to my students today, but they're only in 7th grade 🤷🏼)