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Yusong Liu (twitch.tv/yu_song, Millennial Shelter) joins Emma, Amelia, and the 'boys to answer listener life advice questions in this special "Let's Make It Worse" edition of the Biggie Feedbag.



Gus Chambers

They gray man is someone who is of the observing ego. Gray man technique. Also being discreet. Cutting the shipping label off packages. Once the thin venire of society was peeled away…it may lead to being tracked by a trowel to be tracked my someone… come on guys…that’s what the movie is about….probably….

Mr. Tay Tay

This was a very funny and very poignant epp. Loved it!


For real this might be the best double I’ve heard. So funny with great advice and a lot of genuine moments. Amelia had the best advice for being unhappy with your job.

Leelu Baloo

I really enjoyed hearing the crew be genuine about tough topics.


Thanks for addressing such heavy issues with humor, empathy, and actual good advice. 💜


Nick does sound like he’d be a good teacher. It’d probably be weird when a student searches him on Microsoft Bing and hears him say things like “famously hung member of the Rat Pack” on Doughboys.


Who would have guessed a robot like Wiger would be able to understand human emotion


This episode was wack. Bring back The Scale! 😉


Best. Ep. Thank you all.

Ed Castillo

This was terrific!