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Yusong Liu (twitch.tv/yu_song, Millennial Shelter) joins Emma and the 'boys to answer listener questions for another edition of the Biggie Feedbag.




Yusong: start drinking early and not only pack a snack but get the numbers of local delivery places too. Even the happy couple might want pizza at 10pm.


The thomas guide should take them to the Thomas Cup!

Jon Maxwell

Ladies and Gentlemen a Doughboys Original: The Great Cum Caper


Yusong is such a scamp, but i also purposely mispronounce words just for laughs. Cashew is Kuh-shu

Michaela Parry

Please don't go on a duck boat, we used to have them in Seattle but they're poorly maintained, and there was an accident that killed some international students.


My favorite food descriptor word: simulacrum

Jason Ciraolo

Mitch has every right to be mad at Yusong, it took a few years, but finally Yusong did something wrong #teamMitch

Mr. Tay Tay

May flowers bring June Powers

Mr. Tay Tay

Yusong is the greatest. Give that boy his own show.


G. Gordon Litty