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Tony Thaxton (Motion City Soundtrack, Don't Stop or We'll Die, Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend, Bizarre Albums), joins the 'boys to discuss Elden Ring before a review of the first episode of Game of Thrones in another edition of the Doughboys Pilot program.



Jon Maxwell

Season 4 of game of thrones is my favorite season of tv of all time. It's so good. I really loved game of thrones and I do think if season 7 and 8 were ten episode seasons and the end was more fleshed out that people would see it in a different light. I don't completely hate the ending. I just think it was so rushed. Also, there is a large portion of people who didnt like the end simply because what they wanted to happen didnt happen and they were all butthurt about it.

Jonathan Pataky

As a lapsed gamer, I tried Elden Ring and it was just too complex for what little time I have on my hands. I think about it constantly when I'm not playing and I'm fascinated by it but I just don't have the time to immerse myself in it. There ya go! The perspective of a shitty gamer.


Love that Game of Thrones theme glad they played it.

John Delgadillo

Mitch watched the Game of Thrones porn parody, also called Winter is Coming. Great ep, guys!

Nick C.

Still laughing at people who seemingly thought Daenerys' turn came out of nowhere. Like, the core concept of her character was that she had the counsel and capacity to be a just and compassionate ruler, but time and again she opted for brute force and neglected to consider long-term strategies. "Sure, she ordered mass crucifixions when she took Mereen and fed members of the ruling class to her dragons while allowing the cities she previously conquered to fall back into their previous unjust states, but she's definitely learning! She won't bring this kind of 'Peace on my terms or death' leadership style to Westeros!"


I will defend got up until the finale. The time traveling was ridiculous but it didn't really take me out of it.


Not to be that guy, but Star Wars is 100% fantasy. Even with the retroactive continuity of the magical central conceit (the Force) having a pseudo-scientific justification, science fiction by definition takes place in some iteration of the future, while Star Wars, as we all know, takes place a long time ago...


The Mad Men series finale was one of the best episodes of the show, IMHO.

Nick C.

I found the final episode to be a little low-key because it came across as a coda to the series rather than a finale, maybe because it was so specifically focused on Don's personal development after all the "plot" (the sale/final fate of SC&P and where the key players landed) had been more or less settled in the episodes leading up to it. But that entire final stretch of the series is phenomenal.


Me in 2011: the book series isn’t finished, how are they going to finish this series?! Me now: the book series isn’t finished, why did they finish the series like that?!


It has never once not been funny when the frasier theme plays


Oh man I've always wanted to write one of those comments Mitch and Wiger make fun of so here I go.... Wiger said its 4/19 to Mitch on the podcast but he didn't take into account time differences across the country so I got the episode 4/18. Wiger got the dates wrong wahhhh SHUT UPPPPP NERDDDD 😂 okay love the show and loved today's episode Boob Talk


This episode was a tough listen with the continual repetition of how you wouldn’t judge the pilot based on the future series….but did throughout anyways.


I’m happy as a person who was always lukewarm on GoT. My early apathy for it feels verified.


Agreed! I was anticipating it when they played the Elden Ring clip and was very happy when it showed up later lol