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Actor and comedian Toni Charline Ramos joins the 'boys to discuss different bread types before tackling the elimination bracket of Munch Madness 2022: The Tournament of Chompions: Hero’s Journey: Sub-Optimal.




I didn't get an email, but some guy dressed as John Quincy Adams stood outside my house ringing a bell and bellowing about something.


Mitch’s energy was next level this episode, absolute chaos, loved it



Mr. Tay Tay

When Mitch walked away from the microphone while Toni was talking, I lost it! So fucking funny!

Samantha Snow

Never thought I would be so happy imagining Wiger as Jigglypuff and Mitch as Snorlax but here I am


I love this stupid podcast. I literally lol’d while listening this evening, which was unfortunate because I was out walking the dog, and people had to wonder why that big gaijin was laughing for no apparent reason


Mitch Proudfoot of Spoon Shire


Re: Requiem for a Dream talk… my best friend and his roommate once had the following exchange and I can’t stop thinking about it: Roommate: You know Jennifer Connelly in Requiem for a Dream? Friend: Yeah? Roommate: Dream woman.


Toni screaming “PEOPLE PAY FOR THIS?!?!” was hysterical.

From Parts Unknown

Just read Midnight Meat Train, and Mitchy is pretty on point...but who is eating them?! Also, that's a weird movie. Vinnie Jones, Bradley Cooper, and Brooke Shields in that thing


Invite Stanger back on and MAKE HIM EAT CARBS!!!!

Jeffrey Loh

I've drawn a crude version of this yesterday; its up on the tweet for this episode and I will try to post it on here