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Yusong Liu (twitch.tv/yu_song, Millennial Shelter) joins Emma and the 'boys to answer listener questions for another edition of the Biggie Feedbag.



Rachel Webster

And Kendrick!! I just watched the half time show the other day and didn't know he was in it too, what a great show!


1. Wiger actually likes Bing? I thought it was a joke. Has he ever said why he uses Bing? Did I miss that in an episode? 2. Episode idea: they go to Hooters, but they also take the most Alpha male, Gabrus, and Beta male, Yusong.


These eps are the best! Yusong such a strong team member


Mitch pretending to like snow is funny. I'm Canadian and like, fuck snow. Snow is cool for like 3 weeks around Christmas, then it just sucks.

Doug Justice

I thought Yusong’s whole ‘taking the L train vs. taking the L’ thing was a big W and didn’t deserve to get blown past like that


1. Bing is good for finding porn, so that tracks. 2. Yes, please!


I know, and I mentioned my idea, because they were joking about going to Hooters again with Yusong. I think it would be great to have both Gabrus and Yusong go with them this time, since their first visit they went with Kulap.


You guys forgot to mention that the Queen Latifah Taxi was based on a series of French films starring Marion Cottilard.

Mr. Tay Tay

Yusong has many talents, but sometimes I wish he would just embrace being a comedian. He brings a developed and unique voice to comedy.


On the next double, Yusong throws a football at a Hooters restaurant parking lot.

Jeffrey Loh

Can we get a Double of just Yusong & Emma reviewing Hooters?


One of my fav feedbags! Oddtaxi anime shoutout, Mitch seems to be happier at the new place, cracking jokes every few minutes, and all the questions were thoughtful!


flaming hot Cheetos are def a gen x thing right? idk