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Writer and comedian Marc Doofson joins Emma and the 'boys to discuss the holidays before the return of the beloved Feeding Raindough reading series.




I’ve defended the ‘boys in the past, but this Doofson appearance? Wow. Line crossed. I felt personally attacked. Still, great ep.


Thanksgiving pizza reminds of when during the NFL Draft, Mel Kiper said he eats pizza by removing the cheese and adding mashed potatoes. Truly insane


Marc Doofson was on fire this ep.


Doofson went off on this episode, really stoked for season 2 of Gorko's Planet.

Burton Olivier

I would call this a success and look forward to another installment of Feeding Raindough!


I gotta say it. I prefer Doofson to Bug Mane. It ain’t even close really.


I’m biased as a former dishwasher/porter/line cook/kitchen manager , but there is a reason people are biased against fieri. One of them was a true in the trenches chef that worked his way up and struggled to get his written word published until it became a new late in life career for him. The other one liked to grill for his frat bros and mixed a bunch of known sauces together and called it donkey sauce like he invented the shit. Basically one was a bona fide and the other one was a tourist looking for a platform to get money and fame with. Just one crusty former kitchen dog’s opinion though, both have done good things for the culinary world.


I don’t remember Doofson. What was previous appearance?


I would like Doofson more as a guest if he could just shut the fuck up for half a second.

Nick C.

I think Doofson's previous appearance was removed from the archives after he suggested that Krispy Kreme add another K to the name.


So using Fetal Bovine Serum to make fake meat is gross, but a calf using Fetal Bovine Serum to grow into a cow that you then kill and eat isn’t? I ok with both btw


We get it, Fieri isn’t a culinary master. He never claimed to be one either as far as far as I’ve seen. He’s a tv personality and restaurant owner. He seems to be an awesome person that uses his fame for good. Not sure why everyone has to immediately talk shit about him just because he’s a goofball.


Doughboys continue getting problematic guests. Bug mane, Lowe, now doofson? Mama Mia, bro


I think it’s more that it removes the ability to say no animals were killed in the making


I thoroughly enjoyed this double. 🙂