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Got any questions for the 'boys? Questions for Emma & Yusong? Hit us up... we may answer on an upcoming Double!



As you may or may not know, the iconic "Mac Tonight" mascot from McDonald's was co-opted by the alt right into the racist, rapping bogeyman known as "Moon Man". What other food icon do you think will be taken by a radical group, and how will they be altered?


You guys talk a lot about your favorite “food moments” from famous movies or tv shows. What would you say is your least favorite or grossest food moment from a movie or TV show? Mine has to be from The Grinch with Jim Carrey when they are force feeding the Grinch all the different puddings from the town’s people that scene makes me gag and look away every time.


In light of the expansion announcement, who is your fav animal crossing villager and why?


Would LeBron James have been more entertaining to watch if he ended up being a pro wrestler rather than a basketball player?


My boyfriend eats hotdogs out of the packet from the refrigerator, cold. What are your fav hot dog brands and preparations and should I break up with him?


Which movie monster/killer would be the better cook?


Infuriated by the animal slander AND the omission of Clifford! Go look for Frans de Waals' ted talk on animal morality. I expect them all to answer for these crimes. :D


What toys would the Doughboys Happy Meal have?


Is Nick Wiger going to dress up as a priest for Halloween? I cannot think of a scarier costume for that guy to wear.


Any favorite first movie watches from the year so far?


Having a fun


This isn't really a question, but I was going back through the older shows and came upon the "voluminous wet dream" episode and thought I'd tell a little story. I went to a frat party at Western Carolina University in probably 2004. My friends and I met some girls that we partied with and got so black out drunk that the next thing I know, I woke up the next morning, laying naked beside a girl I couldn't remember. I sat up in the bed looked down at her sleeping, and proceeded to vomit all over her head and upper body. She was so drunk that she didnt wake up. My friend was in the same room with another girl and my vomiting woke him up. Once he realized what had just happened, he whispered to me "let's go dude". We grabbed our clothes and ran out to the car, trying along the way to put our clothes back on. One of the worst and best nights of my life. Keep up the great work on the podcast!