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Jason Mantzoukas (Invincible, The Good Place, Big Mouth, How Did This Get Made?) returns for a May the 4th edition of the Doughboys Pilot Program and reviews Star Wars Rebels with the 'boys.



George Toledo

Just want to say the file name came across this time, really appreciate that. You all are awesome.


Zouks on the Double discussing my favorite Star Wars media is the best thing that could have happened today.


What a delightful turn from Jason! Usually you get the wacky and energetic mode. But here, I was delightfully surprised by the Star Wars Rebels 101 course! I like the Doughboys would also like to attend this theoretical class!


Love Zouks' love for the expanded canon and Filoni stuff but I just want to point out that Maul's return happens in Clone Wars just in case anyone watches Rebels expecting to see that.


Mitch saying Rebels shares the style of Clone Wars might be the most egregious thing ever. That was my biggest complaint when I first watched Rebels is that it looked SO MUCH worse than Clone Wars did (especially toward the end).


I subscribed to the Double just so I could hear MORE white comedians talk about Star Wars. This is not sarcastic. I was extremely eager


God I love these ! Jason needs to do aStar Wars podcast ASAP.


yeah it truly looked like garbage and wtf was with the pencil thin light sabers


I watched and enjoyed most of Clone Wars but Rebels seemed like it was made expressly for eight year olds, I couldn’t get into it


That at least has motivation. Most all of Rebels pulled from original Star Wars concept art for their style. If you look at the original art, the lightsabers are hella thin. Not saying I like it, but at least it was a choice. I mostly hate how every outfit looks like a different style of pajamas.


Man, I love Jason. Great double! I may check out the show.


GOAT double.


Love that you had to note that you need specifically WHITE comedians to talk Star Wars, V WEIRD


This was a blast, and like someone else said I could listen to Zouks talk about anything. I do have to say however that when people don’t like Return of the Jedi, I consider it sus. It seems everyone’s reason for that tends to be “I didn’t like the Ewoks” ?? But did you want the empire to win? It always feels like there’s an air of people just not wanting the good guys to win, which is definitely bizarre.


Based Wiger coming in with the “Judgement Night” soundtrack. Wow.