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Got any questions for the 'boys? Questions for Emma & Yusong? Hit us up... we may answer on an upcoming Double!



Hey folks, long-time listener from the UK here. So on this side of the pond we still have dine-in Pizza Hut buffets (at least we did pre-covid...) and the Volcano Burrito at Taco Bell. Is there a menu item, chain or snack that you no longer have access to that you wish you could bring back? Maybe it still exists elsewhere in the world! Thanks y'all.


Hi dough friends I am getting married in two weeks. Due to Covid-19 we are having a small wedding with a dinner at a nice restaurant after. Next year we are planning a larger reception. Do you prefer a buffet style dinner at a wedding or preset chicken/beef/veggie options? Also, (I think) I want to introduce her to doughboys on our honeymoon road trip. Is there an episode you recommend starting with?


When Mitch is in LA he talks about Quincy a lot, but when he’s in Quincy is he the Mr LA guy?


Whattup Doughfam! My SO and I have done shacked up, and we’re learning all the fun and not so fun quirks about living together, namely eating habits. Recently I’ve noticed he eats certain food with the “wrong” (to me at least) utensils. For example, he eats Mac n Cheese with a spoon and curry and rice with a fork. Any weird eating habits you might have or have observed? Thanks and love y’all!


When was the last time you cried?

Alex v

Hi Doughfam! I've committed to 120🌟 at least one game from 3D all stars by/on Christmas. Join me? Or, what game do you imagine putting the most time in to?


Have you guys heard of Bit Brigade? They are a band from here in Athens, GA (with a pretty substantial national following) who do prog-metal covers of video game soundtracks while a guy plays the game onstage. Thought you might like based on the recent Metallica ep. https://bitbrigade.bandcamp.com/


Yusong’s a F’ing snack!


Hi Nick, Mitch, Emma & Yusong, You guys have gotten me through so many early morning shifts working at King Soopers. Recently started looking at the prepackaged bulk snacks that I so frequently overlook when I'm shopping and was reminded of all the gas station/bulk snacks I don't really think about that much. I enjoy an occasional peach ring and will eat the heck out of some wasabi peas if I find them but my favorite is probably the tex-mex snack mix. Are there any generic candy/snacks you really love or go out of your way to get if you're on a road trip, at a dollar store, etc. PS, I generally agreed with yous guyses opinions on Kroger's store brand stuff but I figured I'd make a couple recommendations. The Private Select brand is the only thing store brand worth buying at a Kroger. A lot of the PS ice creams are pretty tasty for the price compared to your Hagen Dazes and your Bens and Jerrys. More specifically though, the PS Five Cheese (onion) Marmelade frozen pizza is astounding for a frozen pizza. I like it because my SO is anti-redsauce on pizza so it's perfect with the orange marmalade instead of the red sauce. Give it a try!


Hey Doughboys, My daughter just turned 5 and is beginning to branch out in her snacking, so I get to explore the world of junk food with her! Because of that we're getting some foods that I haven't had since childhood. That leads me to my question... Is there a food (junk food or otherwise) that you alway had in your house while growing up, that you never have now? And the reverse of that, is there something you always wanted while growing up that your parents never let you get, but you now regularly get for yourself as an adult? Thanks!


Hey Wiger - I absolutely love the show; you and Emma consistently make my week. My question is: If you could have one living celebrity chef as a permanent co-host for the podcast with you, who would you pick? Shout out to Emma, Yusong, and Wally.


Dear Dough-men, was thinking back to my college and grad school days and reminiscing on stupid drunk restaurant stories, for example, I attended grad school in Laramie, WY and one blur of a night a group of us ended up at a Shari's restaurant (similar to Denny's/IHOP). This particular location was located at the street address 666 and we thought it would be fun to try the Devil's Breakfast (a name of our own creation) of: 6 eggs(any style), 6 pancakes and 6 of either bacon/sausage. My buddy offered to pay for mine if he got to choose the eggs and protein if I would do the challenge. I accepted, he made me eat 6 sunny side up eggs and 6 sausages with the pancakes, I didn't complete it, and then when he got the bill it cost too much (all single items order) so I had to pay what he was unwilling to cover. My question is, what is one stupid drunk restaurant story that you each have and what are the details? Hoping this becomes a regular segment as stupid drunk restaurant stories are some of my best/funniest memories with food and friends...