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Got any questions for the 'boys? Questions for Emma & Yusong? Hit us up... we may answer on Tuesday's Double!



Hey Boys! As a big Pop fan (from the Midwest so I do call it Pop), I have always noticed slight differences in the quality of soda depending on what container or form it’s in. Whether it be from the fountain, a glass bottle, a plastic bottle, a can, a 2 liter, or even in poured into a glass with ice. Which container or method of drinking soda is the best tasting way to drink it down! -From Caleb in Akron, who prefers Cans!


What fast food jingle from your childhood is still stuck in your head?


Nick, I also deal with insomnia/sleep issues. You have been mocked for wearing sunglasses before bed but is there anything in particular that you have found helpful.


Removing compensation (salary/benifits & whatnot) from consideration, at which sit-down chain retaurant would you most prefer to work? Aaand, to remove geography from the conversation, let's say all the restaurants are located in, uh, cloud city.


Chip vs Chip. You only get one for the rest of your life - potato or corn. This includes all varieties and derivations. Choose wisely.


Hey babes, I consider myself a bit of a last-bitesman. Which simply means I love to curate the last bite I have on my plate. If I'm enjoying steak and mashed potatoes, you know my last bite will be steak dipped in those mashed potatoes. It's a concious choice, and it takes discipline to keep some of those creamy tatters around till the end. Does your last bite hold that much weight on your plate, and if so what are some of your favorite flavors to savor? E.g. milk+lucky charm marshmallow + cereal bit


Has anyone played Ghost of Tsushima? It's good and samurais are cool.


I’m curious what are the Doughboys fav Hot sauces !!!

George Toledo

Are there any plans for a reappearance of the Big Bopper version of the Spoon Nation shout out?


Please review By Chloe. Chain!!!


Listening to the BWW episode and I have a question regarding Mitch's choice to order a burger at a chicken restaurant - does a restaurant get a pass for having an item menu that is not in their "core" competencies or should all offered items be treated as equals? Example - my dad complained about the poor quality of a steak at Red Lobster. shouldn't we expect that as lesser quality or does it have the same standards as say the shrimp?


Do you or did you have a go-to restaurant or meal for celebratory events? (Can be past or present!)