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We're now taking questions for our end of the month Feedbag. Post your queries for Mitch, Wiger, Emma, and/or Yusong here!



Wiger, are you getting tired of Mitch constantly complaining about how we need to reopen the country for the sake of the economy? How often does he try and convince you hydrochloroquine is the cure for COVID that the msm doesn’t want you to know?


I've been listening to early episodes, and Mitch used be so mellow and smooth, and now he yells all the time. What happened?


Here is a small bookmarklet app to download the comments on any Patreon post. It clicks the "Load more comments" link for you so you don't have to. It also gives you the option to get the comments as a CSV file. You can import it into a spreadsheet tool and sort the comments. https://codepen.io/weshead/full/jObWrbm


Favorite sword?


When the pandemic ends, what change would you want to see in the American restaurant industry? Certainly to do away with tipping in exchange for sustainably higher wages. But maybe reserving seats online like at the movies; or ordering online so food almost ready upon arrival. Thanks for all the fresh and juicy content. Itamar from Cleveland.


Hey Doughboys! In the past we’ve heard your verdict on celebrity boozes like Dave Matthew’s Dreaming Tree wine and Dan Aykroyd’s iconic Crystal Head Vodka. Which makes me wonder: If you were to launch your own Doughboys-branded beverage lines, what would you choose? And follow-up question: What celebrity’s branded booze would you most – and least – like to drink? Thank you for continuing to make Doughboys during everything that’s going on. It’s been such a bright spot for myself and so many others. Nang Gang 4 life!!

Noah Wright

If anyone is interested you can see Mitch in an arc starting with episode 2 of the new show Brews Brothers on Netflix!


Is there a dish that you'd like to see McDonald's (or a different fast food chain) attempt? Personally, I'd like to see McDonalds' take on lumpia/spring rolls.


Which food do you think is thrown away the most, compared to the amount of it that is produced? My guess is that it is pepperoncinis, since they come with every single Papa Johns pizza but I have never seen someone eat one.


Hello Doughboys! Coronavirus lockdown is making me do things I'd never think was reasonable. In the past 3 days I splurged on food items to be delivered to me at prices I would otherwise balk at. I spent nearly $30 to get a box full of 2 ounce bags of Zapps Voodoo Heat chips, a variety I've wanted to try but aren't sold where I live. I also spent $130 for 5 authentic vegan deep dish pizzas to be mailed to me from Chicago. Am I suffering from stimulus silliness or is splurging like this acceptable? Have you ever ordered a rare or coveted food item for overnight delivery? If not, is there anything you would consider splurging on in the future?


Any chance we could get another Animal Crossing episode at some point? I'd love to hear how your islands are changing over time and how you're liking the updates!


In these qurantine days I've found myself reaching to the back of the pantry and going through our stash of instant ramen. However, when I make it these days I like to spice it up. I usually add sesame oil, soy sauce, and Sriracha to a bowl of chicken flavored ramen. Do you enjoy instant ramen from time to time? If so, do you spice it up at all?