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Matty Smith (Unikitty!, Teen Titans Go) joins the 'boys to try the new Jack and The Box Mini Tacos and Taco Bell's new Buffalo Chicken Nacho Fries.


Rebe K

This sounds like total drunk food—PBR all the way


What Mitch is referring to is the Merrymount settlement- the settlers partied so hard that Myles Standish had to come up from Duxbury, arrest their leader, and send him back to England. Like getting sent home from summer camp


Did anyone’s record cut to silence around 3:50 left in cast?

Mr. Tay Tay

Matty totally sucked as a guest. What a dullard. Still enjoyed Nick and Mitch, of course.


Just heard your convo about Mexican sushi. In Phoenix there are places you can get exactly what Nick described. Rolls with avocado and carne asada. My favorite is a Sonoran style hot dog roll. Its very heavy, but surprisingly good.




Ooph, Matty Smith had some impressively ummm interesting food and basketball takes?


Went to elementary school with a kid named Corey Dunkle. we played DOOM on MS-DOS.


no owners is better than all other owners #gopack

Cliffie Mathieson

I’ve never been much of a beer guy, but I bought a Saison Dupont on Matty’s recommendation, and I really loved it. I finally have a go-to beer that I actually enjoy!