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Got any questions related to New Year's Eve? Partying hard? Party snacks? New Year's resolutions? Or whatever!

Post 'em here and we may answer 'em on an upcoming edition of the Feedbag!


Marvin Dompor

Hey Doughboys! Growing up in a Filipino household, New Years has always been the holiday that we celebrated the hardest. With it came many superstitions, like keeping coins or money in your pockets to ensure wealth in the new year or jumping vigorously at midnight to help kids grow in the year. Did your families have any New Years superstitions? Thanks! PS -- I live on Guam and you boys would love it here. Marijuana just got decriminalized and lots of beach activities for the SoCal surfer dude, meanwhile its tropical and everyone and everything lives a slower pace of life like Mitch.


My birthday is on New Years Eve. When people hear this, they respond the same way every time—“Wow! The whole world is partying on your birthday! That must be the best!” Let me tell you, it’s not. Every year people are unavailable, completely wasted, or totally forget it’s my birthday. In fact, for my 12th birthday, I planned a party on New Year’s Eve with a few girls from school. I sent out invitations, decorated the house, baked a cake with my mom—the whole shebang. Each of the girls said they could come. Then, every single one of them cancelled when the most popular kid in school invited them to his NYE party last minute. So, I want to know—am I the only one getting dissed on NYE? What was the hardest rejection you’ve had to take on what’s supposed to be the biggest party day of the year?


Hi Mitch! Hi Wigey! And to Emma, Yusong and the cats as well! Long time, first time. In regards to New Years party foods, my friends and I went to a party one year where the host got pizza and, without telling anyone, kept it "toasting" in the oven so it never cooled down. The pizza subsequently burned and started to smoke - causing a panic of molten pizza fumes at the party. My question : What are your worst New Year's eve experiences, food or otherwise?


Hey pimps! How’s it hanging? Any chance we could get a audio or video tour of the infamous “recording table” and all of the tchotchkes on it?


Hey Doughpeople! Where were you on y2k?


What do you say when you see a Volkswagen bug? I grew up in New England and have Always said punch buggy, since I moved to the PNW everyone says slug bug!


Hey Doughpersons, In your last episode, your love of tates cookies was exciting, theyre my favorite cookie too! I like to crumble them up into my yogurt as dessert, usually an Icelandic vanilla ‘gurt and some raspberries. I’ve recently started fooling myself to believe this is my new healthy snack! Speaking of snacks, my question for you... What is your favorite homemade “healthy” snack? P.S. Is spinach dip technically hot salad with extra cheese? Xoxo, J


Do you ever have a weird amount of salsa and not a lot of full chips so you pour the salsa into the chips and take a spoon to eat it like it’s spicy cereal? Asking for a friend. Somewhat of a heat seeker


Dear Doughboys, imagine if one of you suddenly dropped dead from either a heart attack or like a food borne illness. The takes would be so bad (“they knew what they were getting themselves into, eating fast food,”). This isn’t a question but it seems so palpable and so much like a real possibility that you should probably end the podcast to prevent it from happening, honestly.


Why do the Doughboys not release episodes in order that they are recorded in? That's always made me curious. Is that a creative decision. Or more on the technical side? :) - Thanks for reading. Much love to my two favorite dudes.


Dearest Doughboys family! NYE is a time to reflect on the past year and look towards the future. What’s a “new food” you indulged in 2019 and a “new food” you would like to try in 2020? (🥄 Mitch, hot salad 🔥🥗 ? 🍔 Nick, oven fries 🍟?) Happy holi-doughs! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a dough-night!


Hey Doughboys and Emma (RIP YUSONG), Wondering if there are any fringe holiday traditions that you are a part of with friends and family. Maybe something that you hope catches on a bit more and became common practice. My lovely wife's family exchanges scratch lottery tickets around the holidays which is something my family and I never did while growing up, and I absolutely love doing it. Thanks for all the laughs and entertainment! - Jon