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Fran Gillespie (Big Mouth, SNL) returns to the show to taste test the new Beyond Burger from Carl's Jr, as well as discuss the 'boys recent trip to Chicago before getting into the first ever Chicago draft.


Rebe K

I just saw doughboys are coming to Cleveland from the venue! Too good to be true, I’m so excited! Good ep too.

Cliffie Mathieson

Two minutes in and it’s already an all-timer


I love Fran!


Mitch fucked up the snake draft. If the order was Fran, Mitch, Wiger, then he should have never had back to back picks. He took WGN and then Bill Murray back to back ... from that point on the whole draft got messy. A worse debacle than Wiger's super spill at the beginning!


I will not sit here and let the CTA be defamed; We have an official bus & train tracker application, specifically so you don't have to stand in the freezing cold, waiting for public transport. The CTA is great and proves a needed surface to a geographically enormous area.


I wish there was video of the spilling. The robotic, monotone “I spilled again” was hilarious.


Just relistened as respite from the pandemic. Thank you for making me laugh out loud- multiple times!!


Fran's freakin hilarious, thank you guys for making these available!


We love our Franny.

Gus Chambers

Relistened. Still fire