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We'll soon be recording an XXL Feedbag episode where we'll field your queries. If you have any questions for Mitch, Wiger, Yusong, or Emma post them in the comments below!




Wendy’s is the only major fast food chain without a breakfast menu. Considering most chains have fairly distinct offerings - create Wendy’s hypothetical, but realistic breakfast menu. (Also, saw Mitch on Vermont and he told me to start the hashtag #DustinDidNothingWrong which I thought was in poor taste)


Hello Doughboys, as someone who doesn't really follow basketball, can you explain to me what the heck happened with the Lakers this season? I know Lebron signed with them, but I was surprised to find out mid-season that the team was bad. I know you love your Lakers Nick, but I haven't heard you thoughts on this season.


Hi Doughboys, I'm super allergic to dairy so that really limits fast food and chain restaurant choices for me. I've heard "yo I'd kill myself if I couldn't eat cheese" more than any other phrase in my life. You guys have any non dairy favorites? Or perhaps any other food allergy related thoughts? Thanks for the pod!


Hi doughboys, I was at your Chicago show and witnessed Mitch do a stone cold stunner on Wiger. My question is which person in the food industry you would most like to stun?


As someone who started rowing earlier this year and loves hearing stories about how Mitch used to be a collegiate athlete, I’d like to hear some details on what his workout on the erg used to be and what type of numbers he put up. And what his favorite post workout/race gorge foods were. Every time I drove through Quincy on my way to the Cape I think of you guys (although I am often listening so probably not a surprise).


Hey Doughboys, I was a pretty picky eater as a kid and I made it an effort to try new things when I moved out on my own. There's so many thing that I thought I would hate (like sushi) that are now my favorite foods. Is there any food that you thought you would hate that you ended up loving? Or any food that you were excited to try and were disappointed by?


Hi guys! I was at your late night Chicago show and wanted so badly to ask this question but didn’t make it up to the microphone quick enough! So here’s my question! As a kid, my first memory of anything related to fast food was of attending a fellow preschool classmate’s McDonald’s birthday party! Grimace was there (no one chased him away, Mitch.) we wore paper McDonald’s crowns, and there was even a McDonald’s-supplied birthday cake with sugar McDonald’s characters on top. What is your earliest fast food related memory?!


Have you heard of the show "Game of Thrones" and do either of you watch it? Also, if the candidates were Mitch, Nick, Emma, Yusong, Wolly & Irma, or Bugmane - who would take the Iron Throne?


Have either of you heard of the Nebraska based fast food chain called Runza? I know it’s crazy to think that a state with such a tiny population has its own fast food chain, but it does. A runza is an Eastern European bread pocket sandwich stuffed with meat, cabbage, onions, and sometimes cheese. While it may not sound great from that description, it’s actually incredibly delicious. Since there’s no way you guys will ever actually go to Omaha, or anywhere in Nebraska, you should look into reviewing them anyway since you can have them delivered anywhere in the lower 48: <a href="https://www.runza.com/shop/product-detail?object=11393." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.runza.com/shop/product-detail?object=11393.</a> It’s quite expensive for the dozen runzas, but idk, make Yusong pay for it as punishment for that green tea ice cream debacle. Growing up in Omaha, it would be amazing to hear you guys review the beloved Runza!!

Samantha Melcher

Question for Mitch, Wiger, Yusong, & Emma -- do you have any ghost stories that happened to you or family/friends?


When I indulge in somefast food I like to create my own Franken combo which is usually del taco fries, taco bell cheesy gordita crunch, in n out animal style cheese burger, and a Wendy's half and half frosty.. what would be your ultimate fast food Franken combo?


In the recent live episode, Carl Tart makes a joke about being scolded for swearing in Waffle House. Thinking back on years ago, the only time I've ever eaten at Waffle House, I think, if the vibe is the same, I actually might keep my customary overuse of profanity more in check. Have you visited any chains where you found yourself adjusting your behavior to some perceived implicit guidelines? Have you ever realized after the fact that you didn't know and abide the unspoken rules of an establishment?