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The 'boys are joined by their producer Yusong Liu and audio engineer Emma Erdbrink to answer listener queries and voicemails. Plus, another installment of the Golden Paw Club!



My grandmas are also dead.


Emma's talking about the Zelda Master Collection, which had a demo of wind waker, but also had every main line zelda game up to majora's mask except for ALTTP. One of the best promo discs ever made.


The alternate titles were great.


do a double episode where yall rank different food-scented candles and call it Snack or Wax


I drive home in silence every day. After 8 hours of talking with students, it feels so nice


Doughboys, you cannot burn Buddy's on a double. Detroit and the Rust Belt has been through too much already. Fly to the D and do a show. My wife and I will be there! There is a Detroit improv festival we saw Spont at last year you could link up with. Shipped in Detroit Pizza is an outrage!!


Next time y'all do this I would like to know if you ever found any weird shit in your food before. One time at a Chili's in Houston, I got a thick piece of glass in my grilled chicken order, it looked like it came from a broken ash tray. I still wonder to this day almost 29 years ago, how the fuck did this huge piece of glass end up in my order?


Tipping is a thing for a reason. Sorry but front of the house usually has more experience and knowledge than an entry level kitchen job. Please.


sorry, my boy yusong clearly knows more about the game than the rest of you, the triple threat stance is one of the most important parts of the game


it's when you have your non dominant foot forward and your dominant foot back, where you can either pump fake, shoot, or pass


I enjoyed the episode for the most part. The question about cats waking you up was a waste of podcast time. Their prediction about being charged for tap water at a restaurant in California and the surrounding states will come true someday. That won't happen East of there as there is plenty of water. Also some of the gang supporting what is essentially equal pay for different work is essentially communism. You can't have people get paid the same for different difficulties of work. Universal income is a ridiculous notion as well.


Bobby, you seem like a lot of fun. I was hoping someone would come on to the comment section and bloviate. And you did not disappoint! Please continue to tell us all the aspects of each episode that you consider a "waste of podcast time".