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Any questions for Mitch, Wiger, Emma, or Yusong? Post 'em here or call 830-GO-DOUGH and we may answer them on an upcoming Double!




Knowing that it would forever change the fast food playing field, would you time travel to San Bernardino in 1948 and stop Glen Bell from infiltrating the Mitla Cafe?


Mitch, does Boston really not have happy hour? What the fuck?


Orange Vanilla Coke is the first new Coke flavor since 2007. Coke Freestyle launched in 2009. Do you think our drink customizations have been monitored to create the hot new flavor? Also have you tried Orange Vanilla yet (there's a Zero version out there as well)? And finally, what should science let us customize next? I want to be able to create my own chip flavors with a vending machine.


Is Brad Stevens coaching for his job?


Once at a chipotle a homeless man used the bathroom before me, came out and said, "That's the smelliest place I've ever been ... and I live next to a dumpster." With that in mind, what's your grossest restaurant bathroom experience?


In the recent Double with Mary Sohn, y’all mentioned Dante’s Inferno. This question is a bit convoluted, but what chains or food items would you assign to each layer of Hell? Limbo would be one that is just okay. Lust would be the most appetizing to look at. Gluttony would be what you could eat the most of. Greed would be something that doesn’t give enough bang for its buck or a chain that treats its employees the worst. Anger would be the one that you hate the most. Heresy would be your most controversial and blasphemous opinion. Violence would be the one that gives you the most violent rumblies. Fraud would be the most deceiving chain or item. Treachery would be the one that you feel has committed the most egregious sin aka who be Egregious Philbin (RIP Harris). Also, I know that was too long of a question as is, but bonus question: which Joe Dante movie would you pick to have to eat something from it? Would you pick a piranha from Pirahna, a gremlin from Gremlins, a werewolf from The Howling, or Tom Hanks from The ‘Burbs?


Hi Doughboys. I'm Planning on visiting Disneyland this summer to check out Star Wars Land and wanted to know what is your favorite food at Disneyland? Thanks, Chris


Hi Doughboys! I’ve been debating a lot with friends about the best variety or shape of Reese’s candy (I’m partial to the egg.) How would you rank the different varieties or shapes?


Hey Doughboys, thanks so much for entertaining me through my commute and while I set up the bar where I work! I recently took a hiatus from our favorite pizza joint after my girlfriend found a sharp piece of plastic in our food and the owner was not particularly apologetic. Just wondered if you have had to quit one of your favorite spots after finding something gross or having a less than satisfactory experience? - Luke in Colorado (please do a Denver live show with Gabrus)


Hi bro. You lead a very interesting page. I read your posts and just kicks. Tell me what inspires you most to create all this? Could not find my inspiration.

