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We'll soon be recording an XXL Feedbag episode where we'll field your queries. If you have any questions for Mitch, Wiger, Yusong, or Emma post them in the comments below!




Hello boys (& Emma)! I want your take on this deceptively simple question: how many bites are in a snack? At what point does a snack becomes a meal? Thank you for breaking your silence on this controversial topic


Please help my family decide who is right. My dad and I prefer ice cream cake while my mom and sister prefer sheet cake when we celebrate birthdays. Which is better? Do you have a go-to birthday cake? Thanks!


You may have discussed this before, but have you ever had a poor (with food or otherwise) experience at a fast food restaurant and did you stop going to that restaurant? Not a restaurant, but personally I love the hot wings at 7/11, but there are homeless people around the shops which makes me feel guilty about stuffing my face while people are starving.


nick - what's your oft-discussed adobo recipe?


Did Mitch see Into the Spiderverse and if so, what did he think?


I've worked in restaurants for my entire life, and no matter where I've worked, the staff always found itself discussing one important philosophical question. If you were in a standard 30 by 30 room with one doorway and no windows, and there was an infinite stream of 1st graders coming to kill you, how long do you last and what is your strategy? There are no weapons, and they are not trained, all they know is they need to attack and kill you. This is clearly hypothetical, and something we would discuss to pass the time, but seriously how long would you guys last?


Emma & Mitch - Can you sing the Water Country jingle from memory?


Emma! I went to high school in Exeter, NH and I feel like it has the best food ever - Loaf & Ladle, Green Bean, Romeo’s, Front Row, Szchezuan Taste, etc etc... Is this just me having fond memories of my youth or is it really as good as I remember? (Sorry for the uber specific question —I got excited when you said you were from Exeter on the McDonald’s ep)


Have you weighed in on the hot fruit debate? Mike Schur (Parks & Rec and The Good Place creator) is adamantly against any and all hot fruit, including blueberries in pancakes and apples in pies, and seems to have a large amount of followers who ascribe to this belief. Curious to know your takes.


Everyone except Yusong, what were your favorite movies of the year? Yusong, favorite Twitch moments of the year?


When you're at line in the grocery store and you see someone with only a few items it's proper etiquette to let them go ahead. Are there any rules of etiquette at fast food establishments that you have strong feelings for?


Would you consider doing a bracket for McDonald’s items for a Tournament of Chompions? That could scratch the itch for much of the audience that wants a full episode on it!