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Got any questions for the 'boys? Post them below and we'll answer them on an upcoming Double! 




If you have any guest dead or alive who would it be? What chain would you cover? I would choose Harris Wittels and Chili's or maybe Phish parking lot grilled cheeses...


How was your stomach / digestive system in the 24 hours following putting those hot nuts in your mouth? Also, do you think Sean Evans would have you on Hot Ones?


How do you guys feel about this new chain restaurant podcast called Podcast the Ride: City Walk Saga? Three funny guys (one more than you, so they are already beating you) that review chain restaurants at City Walk. I think even Turncoat Wiger was on an episode! Would Love to hear your thoughts. Big fan and getting bigger after every meal.


Hello. American (Californian) ex-pat here in Barcelona, Spain. Any interest in traveling across "the pond" for some international cuisine? I know Mitch has tried Italy McDonalds, but spanish McDonald’s es muy bueno 😍 any interest in taking doughboys international?


After the "Hot or Not" from the last episode, I immediately thought of the show 'Hot Ones' on YouTube - <a href="https://youtu.be/X2zqiX6yL3l" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/X2zqiX6yL3l</a> . Since that hot nut challenge seemed like it caused you a lot of pain, I don't think you'd be into it, but would you consider doing that show? I'd personally love to see it happen!


Any chance of a Halloween episode? creepy candy, spooky cookies, the devil's delights??

Robert Peterson

I once had fantastic breakfast fried rice at the Vegas airport Pei Wei. A lot of airport restaurants just do normal breakfast sandwiches/bagels...what’s a restaurant that doesn’t do breakfast that you’d invent a breakfast item to serve at an airport location?


NBA dough! Is Wiger even a little worried about Lebron’s seemingly cavalier attitude? Does Mitchy think Jaylen Brown should be traded now that there isn’t enough room for everyone? Love you guys!

Dr. Murderfish

I have a question for Nick! W.... Would you eat a Minion? What if it where already cooked?


Is there an upcoming Sarah Silverman episode?


Have you two tried the nightmare king at burger king? Seems right up Nick's weird alley


oh yeah Nick's hot salad alley! The Nick character in this podcast loves hot salad. But he doesn't!


I don't really think the Doughboys hate charity, but is it true that the Doughboys love censorship? BUZZZ BUZZZ, BABY!!!