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We'll soon be recording another Feedbag episode where we answer listener-submitted queries. If you have any questions for Mitch, Wiger, and/or Yusong, post them in the comments below!




I've always appreciated Wiger's use of the phrase "the rumblies", it perfectly describes the feeling after a rich meal. What are each of your techniques for dealing with "the rumblies" and what is your worst experience dealing with them?


Hi Doughboys! Nick is a notorious spiller. Which type of spill is more embarrassing, more of a social faux pas: drink spills or food spills? Thanks guys, writing from LA. Hi Yusong!


Hey guys, I think Mitch has mentioned it before but it hasn’t been talked about a lot, and that is the value driven happy hour/bar specials at chains. For example, all you can eat apps at Friday’s or half price apps and drinks, plus the one dollar special drinks at Applebee’s. This leads to the question, what is your favorite chain to drink/ actually just hang out at? Or the more interesting question: is this even an acceptable thing to once you’re past the stage of college budgeting but have not entered that retirement/ not giving a fuck stage?


Hi 'Boys...I recently traveled from Boston to Portland, OR and attempted to pack what I thought would be smart, healthy snacks for the flight. Found out the hard way that dried apricots have so much fiber and sugar in them that I spent the majority of the 6 hour flight in the bathroom with what I'll call a case of the "extreme rumblies." And that's putting it delicately. So my question is, what are your suggestions for the best, easiest, healthy snacks to bring on a flight? Keep on keeping, Dough Uncles. -Miriam


In preparation for the eventuality that is Yusong kicking each of your asses, what offensive or defensive strategies are you developing to take him down or at least escape only slightly maimed?


Why does Mitch have a Captain Phasma action figure on his table since he despises the Disney Star Wars movies? Did he lose a bet or something?


Are there any video game themes that are consistent earworms for you? Ocarina of Time’s Happy Mask Salesman song is stuck in my head like 80-90% of the time. Also, should I see a therapist because of this?


What is your go to fry dipping condiment of choice?


Do you think next year, when things are a little bit worse, people will be a little more appreciative of who they are as people as opposed to interconnected data points?


Hey Boys, So ever since I moved to the Bay Area a decade ago I've been pretty set on spending my food budget on good produce. In particular I love a farm that sells stone fruit in the summer and I always set aside $20 a week so I can gorge on nectarines and plums. What are the things in your food budget that you always set aside money for, no matter what? PS: Make Yusong the third Doughboy


Given Mitch's views on global warming and Nick's position on factory farming, would you ever consider doing a month of vegan/vegetarian meals? Thanks.


What is the role of price in your evaluation of a restaurant?