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Director Danny Jelinek (Last Week Tonight, Childrens Hospital) joins for a Kessel Run -length review of the new Ron Howard directed prequel, Solo: A Star Wars Story. (WARNING: Spoilers ahoy!)




Mitch hates Star Wars.


I don't know if he hates it, but he sure does take it VERY seriously.

William J Cox

I love Zack Snyder but the Fountainhead...(cry)

William J Cox

When you're making a film, you should always assume someone is seeing this for the first time.


i stepped in a bee hive


I’d probably leave SW alone for a while. I’m sure these review eps are great for some, but they’ve been lacking fun to me at least. We get it. Mitch doesn’t enjoy post-Lucas Star Wars.


I really enjoyed this episode! It's funny how everyone compares how they feel about the movies to how Mitch feels, seems like it puts unfair pressure on him. That said, I agree with him this time. Solo bored the hell out of me and at times actively fucked with my mental image of my favorite character from the series.


While I'm here, I'd really love to see another play-along movie commentary episode. The Force Awakens commentary was so fun!!


If stepping in a beehive means speaking critically about SW, then 3 for Mitch is spot on (all the new ones minus Rogue One). I for one agree with you, they are no bueno.


I posted this once before, but patreon's editing system is terrible, so sorry if you saw this already. Please just stop doing these if Mitch is just going to hate every aspect of the movie. Especially if nobody else is going to defend the movie. It's only fun if Mitch sounds like a crazy person with unreasonable hatred. (And I'm sick of that too) Otherwise it's just 2 hours of you guys complaining, and that just grates after like 10 minutes.


Also, one last thing that got lost in the edit. Han HAS to speak in code so that the guards can't understand. He rolls the dice with his limited Shyriiwook!


Another thing. Your guest Danny Jelinek brings up the entire reason Mitch gets so much blowback. You guys bring all your baggage into every one of these movies. He stated that he WOULD HAVE liked the movie, but he couldn't get over the stupid references. Most of your audience isn't going to people who lionize the originals and defend the prequels. I get all the references, but if I don't like the implementation, I just ignore it. Each one isn't a knife in my gut, it's nothing. These movies are not changing directions no matter what the insane fanboys want, so please Mitch, just stop torturing yourself and ignore these new movies. Half a portion is an insane rating for a movie that was at least better than half the drivel that has been released this year. I guess there is just no objectivity when it comes to this subject matter for you, so just leave these new movies alone until / unless you find something that can actually cut through all the baggage.


I actually enjoy when Mitch hates something. It makes for entertaining rants. I don't get why so many fans take his opinion so seriously and get upset.

William J Cox

I love Batman v Superman!


would love an ep on Short Circuit 2


The sound on this episode is not great — was there a problem with the guests mic?


I heard this only knowing that Mitch seems to feel legitimately and personally bothered that his thoughts on star wars upsets people here, and he made such cogent, consistant, and articulate points that I was totally shocked that anyone would complain about (unless they hated the idea of someone really disliking something they like). He paints a really good picture of what's missing in the film from the perspective of someone who understands story structure; it was just obvious that Mitch knows what he's talking about as someone who has his own distinct comedic voice and experience writing sketches. Ya'll just love the movie, and don't want to hear a critical opinion of it. Stop being assholes and making him feel bad about it; he's such a nice dude.