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Star Wars Month continues as Mitch and Wiger give their dueling running takes on the JJ Abrams helped Episode VII: The Force Awakens.




His only points are pretty much "this sucks" based on subjective opinions and minor flaws, and then he refuses to understand that other people can like it


Is this movie streaming anywhere?


Keep the Star Wars bonus content coming!


Hard to deny Mitch’s points. Been like 2 years and TFA already hasn’t aged very well. Then TLJ negated like half of the supposedly important plot points.


My favorite part is the 10 to 20 second stretches of silence where I check to see if my phone stopped working.


I’m on the edge of my seat! Will Han Solo Live through the movie?!?


Ima gonna win


Come on Spoonman, why you got to use "pussy" as a pejorative?


I love you guys, but I'm a female who has zero interest in Star Wars. This month is killing me!


The problems with Force Awakens seem so petty compared to the problems with The Last Jedi...


I don’t think the “Luke is a myth” is that hard to wrap your mind around. Sure, in a culture where everyone is being photographed all the time and the Internet gives you access to any piece of information it wouldn’t be believable, but is it really that difficult to believe that people living on different PLANETS probably millions of miles apart where you get your news from the stories people tell thinking that the story of a random farm kid suddenly becoming a powerful Jedi and then disappearing into decades of exile might sound like fantasy?


I also have a serious problem with Mitch repeatedly making the argument that changing the plot or story of a movie during production is somehow evidence of a bad movie. That’s like saying that an author should just publish the first draft of their writing without any revisions or editing.


Man, love the pod overall, but these Star Wars eps are practically unlistenable. I get it, Mitch, you hate Star Wars, and feel JJ and Co took a steaming dump on your expectations. But it's hard to agree when the depth of your commentary is basically different flavors of "this sucks" based solely on subjective and relatively petty objections. Star Wars Month can't end soon enough and fucking visit McDonalds already!


Well, I think there is a difference between a director or author deciding to make the changes as part of the natural flow of the story they are creating and realizing changes need to be made, and studio influence or the death of an actor, forcing changes.