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Friend of Dough Joe Saunders (Comedy Bang! Bang!, After Dough with Joe) returns to the show to compete with Mitch and Wiger in a fantasy auction centered on a galaxy far, far away. 




Loved this.


This is the best double I have heard yet!! So fun.


No Kylo Ren, no Rey, no Poe, no Count Douku, no Jar Jar Binks? Next time you do a draft, have more than three people in the draft. Have 10 friends all working hard to beat each other, and make a list of star wars (or whatever) people, crafts, weapons and items, and just go down the list, rather than nominating. Have them go at random without knowing the order before hand, and that way you won't know what is coming down the pike, and then the stakes get higher. If you know that it's characters first, there's no reason to save up credits since no one is going to work hard to win an x wing. This format could work, and would be fun, but it needs more organization and a lot more people. Please have a Bug Mane, Armin, Saunders, Allison, and anyone else that would be interested in this, and remake this draft.


I think this was a pretty easy win for the spoonman


for me lando would go pretty high, he was great in V and may have been the best part of VI.


lovin' how (correctly) fired up Mitch is about Last Jedi. Classic Spoon Man.


also, the fact that he didn't answer Leia's distress call JUST IN TIME and save the day in last jedi is a huuuuge missed opportunity.


count douku and jar jar? you'd have to pay ME to draft those chumps


Should have drafted Sebulba he always wins


The correct “wild card” answer is the music of John Williams.


How did Mitch not select "the Force" for his wild card when he was the only person with credits left?


How does it make any sense to be able to sell your picks later if there are only a finite number of credits?


I can deal with listening to Mitch's bad opinions on the new movies but I cannot abide you retards letting the emperor go for six credits. Are you kidding me? The guy who was a driving the plot forward for six movies, created Vader, was powerful enough to obfuscate his presence from the entirety of the Jedi council... Yeah take him for six and Leia for 20 or whatever. The story of Star Wars as we know it doesn't exist without Palpatine. Unlistenable.


Saunders won. And you should all be ashamed for not picking "the force" or "lightsabers" in the wild card.