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This was the best episode so far! While my favourite part of the whole show was the opening of the first episode, this was all around the best episode! It flew by for me and by the time it ended, I though only like 15 minutes had passed which is a good thing!!! While there were A LOT of changes from the original cartoon, I am looking at the show from purely how well it tells it's own story. "Omashu" had a lot to offer in terms of plot development, character beats, and fun times. The city of Omashu was insane to look at and it looked so visually good at times I thought it must have been real. I won't spoil anything in case people are excited to watch the show but there were a few characters in this episode who I didn't expect to appear here but they were definitely a welcome addition and they worked well within the changes this episode made to the story. The fights were cool again, albeit more toned done in scope than the last two episodes. Katara especially had a really nice character arc in this episode which I didn't expect but actually makes a lot of sense considering the trauma she has been through. Finally, I think I am really warming up to the show as a whole. The style of how it is written, shot, and acted is all slowly falling into place for me and I am finding it easier to separate it from the cartoon. It is a beautiful show to look at with some great fights and even though this episode changed a few things, I honestly had a blast (-ing jelly) watching it!


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