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Woooohooooo two more fantastic DS9 episodes today!! Getting close to the season finale as well now! By the time these two episodes reach Youtube, the season 3 finale will be on Patreon!! Through the Looking Glass was a Mirror Universe episode! I knew it was going to be one going into it sadly as evil Kira was on the thumbnail but that being said, the knowledge didn't ruin anything for me as the twist happened like 2 minutes in. I always love the Mirror Universe episodes because they are so much fun and you can tell that every actor in them is having a blast. Nana Visitor especially always seems to be chewing up the scenery as erotic and evil Kira. I say erotic because this version of Kira always seems to be touching or kissing somebody. Mirror Universe Bashir was also sweet and acted like a drunk pirate half the time which was hilarious. Usually though, the people that are not fans of Mirror Universe episodes talk about how they are fun but not plot or character focused. Well this one was different as Sisko is brought into the alternate reality in order to rescue JENNIFER!! That's right, Jennifer is alive in this reality and wow that was cool I did not expect that. When I saw her name in the credits at the start my mind was blown. This was the type of Sisko episode that I really wanted from him. I've been craving for Sisko to talk just a little more about Jennifer and here he had both him and her sitting down and talking to each other face to face. Every conversation between them was amazing and the ending with that final cheek kiss goodbye was so sad. I hope they see each they again. Oh and I wish the Terrains good look in their fight against the alliance.

Now now now, Improbable Cause. I did not know this was a two parter with The Die is Cast. If someone told me that before than I forgot because I went into this episode thinking it would be a standalone one. It was a Garak centred episode about him trying to understand why someone would want to try to kill him after his shop blew up. Watching him work with Odo to slowly figure things out was a pleasure to watch. Odo and Garak together needs to be more of a thing because they work very well together. Odo is the straight talking no lies typpa guy while Garak is the complete opposite. They both butted heads many times but also managed to talk about and open up to a few things. Obviously, the main thing about this episode is that we finally find out what is going on with the Obsidian Order in the Orias System. Turns out they are working with the Romulan secret service in order to amass a fleet big enough to invade the Gamma Quadrant and kill the Founders. We also find out that Tain is behind all of this and lemme tell you guys: I am so excited to watch him and Garak in the next episode together because not only are they both WORKING TOGETHER now (which is insane) but I also am terrified of Tain. I can't wait to see what happens with these ships and if they invade the Gamma Quadrant or not. If the do manage to invade, I can see them losing big time but I can also see it being a cataclysm for a greater war to come.


Graham Pilato

Holding back on detailed comments until you finish The Die Is Cast... but... but... Yeah, I firmly believe that the more layered, complex, and interestingly textured season two was loads better than the still very good season three up until this point. Characters were dealt more interesting stories to grow with, the mysteries and complexities of the station's ongoing conflicts were more and more enthralling. And season three only barely pucked up on those threads. Often abandoning their depths for big, dumb event episodes (Jadzia gets a lover who can't stay, Bareil gets killed off so an Odo/Kira plot can downgrade from complex friendship based on respect to a muddy weird love that can't get any depth on, Bajor and Maquis plots get tyrned into background mentions to support jeopady plots of the week that sort of mean nothing overall). From Improbable Cause on, season three is pretty much as good as Trek gets though. Everything is coming together.

Be Mindful

Garak in full glory when he gets the spotlight and he delivers with such conviction and acting talent that I get fixated on his performance. And under many layers of make up too. As a character he is also very interesting in the 'keep your friends close, but your enemies closer'. What exactly is he? Friend or foe?