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Two more good episodes today in Season 3 starting with Destiny! I really enjoy any episode that focuses on Bajoran religion and this episode was full of that. The prophecy of the 3 vipers was really cool and I loved how it clashed with Sisko's beliefs and how it challenged him into understanding a little bit more about his role as the Emissary. That was one of my favourite parts of the episode actually; seeing Sisko going from denouncing his role as the Emissary to coming to terms with being a religious icon to the Bajorans was a good little arc and it will be interesting to see him grow into this role further into the show. Speaking of prophecy's... what was that prophecy at the end????? The show cut off before the Vedek could finish but it sounded so intense and it related to Sisko. Could it be foreshadowing the season finale??? Anyways, it seemed like a semi major thing happened during this episode with the relay device that resides in the Gamma Quadrant now. How will this affect exploration and the understanding of the Gamma Quadrant in the future is something I will be curious to find out. Also, this episode had some of the nicest Cardassians in all of Star Trek. Genuinely nice people who were incredibly brave to stand up to the Obsidian Order!

Prophet Motive was the first (I think) Ferengi episode of the season and it was very fun! Really glad we got to see the Grand Nagus again because he is always so fun and annoying, in a good way, to watch. Seeing the Nagus do nice things was very confusing but funny. Even more funny were Quark's reactions to the Nagus's action of goodwill. Watching Quark attempting to understand why the Nagus was doing all those nice things was very entertaining, as was the final reason why. It made so much sense that the Nagus would attempt to see the Prophets in the wormhole in order to see the future and it was so cool to see those aliens again when Quark paid them a visit. Rom was also a standout in this episode and you can really see his character starting to mold into another person. The way he stood up to Quark at the start of the episode made me cheer with delight because Rom has been so subservient for so long. But even more than that, watching Rom declare that he embezzled money from the Grand Nagus to Quark made me so proud. I felt like his father or something and for the first time, Quark and Rom felt like brothers on fairly equal footing. Bashir also had a nice little awards nomination arc and while he didn't win, it was really cool to see how many of the DS9 characters supported him.



I loved Odo's line: "I have a friend at Starfleet Intelligence. And she has a friend who has a cousin who's married to the assistant of one of the members of the Federation Medical Council." "Really?" "And according to my friend, her friend heard something from his cousin that his wife heard from this council member that I thought you might find interesting."