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This was a hugely requested movie on one of my other videos so I thought it would be a good idea to watch it sooner rather than later. I had never heard of this movie before and I had not idea what it would be going into it. Turns out it was a fantastic movie about fighting against corruption as well as never giving up on the things you want most and the ideals you go by. Watching this movie made me want to shoot for the moon and if I failed, restart and try again. The main lead in the film was incredible and had this air of endearment about him that made his character, Manoj, so likeable. There was a specific twinkle in his eyes that showed just how happy he was to have the opportunity to study to become a police officer. No matter what he was doing or how he was living, his enthusiasm to persevere was very respectable. The movie did a great job at showing just how corrupt some of the cops in India are. While I do not know much about the Indian police system, the movie made them out to be fairly corrupt with only a few decent eggs trying to do good. It was a very interesting discussion that the film approached and I thought it was handled very well. The camera work was also amazing and there were some long shots that were stunning to watch. There was also a lot of attention drawn to characters expressions rather than events. A lot of the time, something will happen or a character will be in a situation but the camera will never be pointed at the situation, at least not immediately. The camera will usually plant itself firmly on whatever character is dealing with the situation's face and their emotions will do all the talking and explaining the audience needs. As for the ending, well, I teared up that's for sure.


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