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Maybe one of my most controversial reactions not because of the content but because of when I watch this episode. I was really unsure of when to watch Second Chances because I had many people saying I NEEDED to watch it before DS9's Defiant but also many people saying I NEEDED to watch it after. After my Patreon poll and many comments on it, I decided the better option was to watch it before. I am sorry if it ruins the twist in Defiant but I think I will enjoy that episode regardless because I LOVED this one. The whole double Riker stuff was amazing and incredibly well done. I loved how much they got on each others nerves not because they actually hated each other, but because they were both jealous about aspects of each others lives. Lieutenant Riker and Troi's budding romance in the episode was really well done as well and there was a conversation at a dinner table that just blew me away. Goosebumps all the way! I can't help but think that this may have been the episode that re-light the romance between our Will Riker and Troi because as we know, they do get married later in Nemesis. Everything else was fun about this episode but overall, I just enjoyed seeing two Rikers on screen at the same time!!

Excited for Defiant now! Can't wait to see how this episode connects (hoping to see Thomas Riker in it but please don't tell me if he is or not)!



You were just told to watch "Second Chances" before "Defiant". How could you NOT expect Thomas to show up? Sometimes polls aren't always correct. There are just too many people who don't bother to think things through.

Ensign Ahkinum

My Nephew spent the night in the living room. He asked me to put something on the tv for him since he did not like messing with our complicated tv, which uses three different remotes to operate it. So I said sure and put on your Star Trek playlist and then went to my room. About an hour later, he came in and asked if I could change the channel, saying because that guy on there won't stop talking. :D I guess he does not know what Reaction shows are all about.