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You will never guess the twist of this movie



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Red Dwarf

Yes indeed...how do you market this movie? Lol. I love this one so much. I honestly can not remember if I knew the twist going into it. I used to frequent a Bollywood chat board and I just can't remember if someone talked about the twist. But yes...2 totally different movies but they work. I actually was finding myself forgiving him for everything lol...except Jolly. That hurt, Rehan, that one hurt. But you COULD turn off the movie after he carries her off the train and have your happy ending! My fave song is also the one in the rain and I believe this was the first Bollywood movie I saw where they sleep together. A lot of Bollywood movies use symbolism. A wet sari almost aleays implies they sleep together without showing it. There is a great song in Devdas that shows that. I have been out of the Bollywood scene for a while now though. I have my fave movies and the real recent ones I don't know if they show more. Like it was hard to find kissing on the lips before. Don't know if that has changed. Glad you enjoyed! This is in my top fave Bollywood movies.