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I had a massive urge to watch Mamma Mia! about two weeks ago due to my brother watching it and loving it. Of course, I was already familiar with the soundtrack because of how iconic it is (and due to my mom playing it every time she has a few glasses of wine), but I had never actually seen the movie before. To my surprise, I not only loved every song, but I had such a fun blast watching this movie! The first thing I noticed was the energy that this movie brought to the table. Everything was so full of colour and life and the Greek Island setting was beautiful to be around. This energy translated to the dance sequences as well, to which there were MANY. Every single dance sequence felt unique and had many moments of comedy and beauty mingled in. There are epic sprawling moments on clifftops at sunset and tiny intimate moments with two people in a courtyard. There are songs with hundreds of backup singers and dancers and others with just one singer alone. So many variations and so much vibrancy made it never boring and always fun. And I mean, do I even have to say the songs were good. The soundtrack is iconic for a reason and every single song was perfect for the scenes they were in. Of course I am a big fan of musicals and so this was right up my alley, but even if you don't like musicals the songs are so iconic you probably have heard one or two of them. Everything about this movie I liked much more than I thought I was going to. While it definitely isn't a perfect movie, if you want a fun and energetic time of singing and dancing, this movie is perfect.


Benny Ford

I just checked out a couple songs. ABBA’s music lends itself nicely to a musical style. Sounds like a wonderful experience.