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Ok so this is probably one of the best sequels ever made. It is also probably one of the most visually beautiful movies I have ever seen in my entire life. Where do I even begin talking about this film.

It's funny that the only thing I remembered from watching this movie when I was 16 was that there is a pink women in the film. Figures that a teenager would only remember the giant naked pink lady and that's it. I wish I had seen this movie in theatres and if it ever re-releases I would definitely try to go. The soundscape alone would be worth it. The score is a beautiful and haunting melody of synth and base that feels similar to the original Blade Runner while still feeling very unique to this movie. It left me with so many goosebumps and there were many moments where the sound design was just so good it became so overwhelming that I started laughing for some reason. The cinematography by Roger Deakins was superb as well and if he didn't win an Oscar for this movie than the world really is corrupt. The visuals still hold up incredibly well and every single shot and second of this film is wallpaper worthy. Every location has a different feel to it which is portrayed through the lighting and it leaves every place feeling beautiful, mysterious, and individual. The story as well took me on a rollercoaster of emotions! I loved the inclusion of Deckard not because it was nice to see Harrison Ford again, but because his role was important to the story and not just some nostalgia bait. Movies like this come very few and far between. Movies that are slow, that ask big questions, with incredible sound and cinematography due to a large budget. There are only a few directors working today that have the power to create movies like this. Movies that may not do well at the box office but provide real enjoyment through its thought provoking nature and expert craft. If you haven't seen it, go watch it please (or wait for my UNCUT to come out then watch it ;) )!!!


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