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Holy Beans on toast! I wasn't sure how Fincher and company would be able to make a satisfying movie based off of a cold case. How can you create a satisfying ending to a murder mystery thriller if the person is never found? Well, safe to say, I am more than satisfied with how this ends and this movie as a whole. The directing is absolutely brilliant and manages to tell so much story and infuse so much personality into every frame and camera direction. The cinematography is outstanding and I felt transported back to the 1960's/70's (not that I know what it was like back then as I was not alive). The way everything is laid out and revealed makes for such a wild ride. Even for me, who knew a little about the Zodiac going into the movie as I learned about him in school many years ago, reveals still made me go WHATTTT or OHHHHH so many times I lost count.

Also, this was a great Fincher appetizer for the livestream of Panic Room tomorrow!


David Campbell

That basement scene is one of the creepiest things ever in a movie 👀

Al Nazemian

Great mini review. Thanks. I love Zodiac. It’s one of my favorite Fincher films.