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Two fun episodes today! Rivals was probably my least favourite episode of Season 2 so far but that doesn't mean it was bad! I thought it was entertaining and the main plot about the station getting extremely lucky or unlucky due to these probability orbs was so much fun. By far the best part of the episode was Bashir and O'Brien's game of what can only be called space squash. Watch O'Brien hate Bashir's guts and complain to Keiko about the games they were playing was so enjoyable. Could have watched a whole episode about these two playing each other.

The Alternate was a really good episode of a lot of twists and turns. It introduced Dr. Mora, the Bajoran scientist who worked on/with Odo on Bajor. It was really cool to see him in person and to see how Odo reacted to being in his presence once again. Finding another life form similar to Odo on a volcanic planet was really neat but the best part about that was that we got a really cool mystery from it. Throughout the episode, you are lead to believe that the life from is still lingering around so when the twist that it is Odo happens, it's as crazy as beans on toast (which is actually really tasty)! I loved how visually, the writers used the mystery and Odo's transformation into the goop to show the discontent Odo had with returning to the lab with Dr. Mora. Some good stuff with a great, sweet ending!



Rivals would have worked better, I think, had the original idea been produced. The man running the other casino was supposed to be Guinan's wayward son, and she was supposed to appear, but Whoopi was unavailable, so they had to cut out the references.


Rivals is my least favorite episode of the series. It seemed to pop up in reruns way too often. The Alternate I haven’t seen often because I usually skip the middle of season 2 on rewatches.