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It was OK. I enjoyed Deep Impact a lot more to be honest as this one felt a lot more like action schlock. Now there is nothing wrong with action schlock and everyone once and a while needs to just turn their brains off and watch people yelling at each other but I think there are much better ones out there to do that too. For me, the pacing was what really disengaged (kinda a space ship pun thingy) me the most. I felt as if this movie could have been 2 hours or even 1 hour 45min instead of the 2 hour 30 min monster that it is. So many scenes felt elongated to the point of bloated as well as there were moments that frankly didn't need to be in the movie at all.

Hey the effect are really cool though and who doesn't like watching people walk around on asteroids that are heading straight for Earth. There is definitely stuff I like about this movie, and if you like Michael bay you will have a good time, but I would recommend many other movies about this topic before this one. Still, give it a watch if you haven't seen it and form your own opinion or let me know what you think about it!


Kevin Jackson

Yep. Completely agree.

Andrew Roach

Indeed, Deep Impact is a movie for adults and Armageddon is for the younger crowd who want nothing but explosions and while that is ok what is not ok is that sadly it seems the vast majority of movies are that nowadays. I still enjoy Armageddon and the music is great but Deep Impact is far better.