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Two GREAT episodes today keeping in trend with the level of quality in season 2! Rules of Acquisition was such a great episode revolving around feminist themes and breaking traditional gender roles (which could also be applied to the real world). The episode did such a good job with Pel, what I'm pretty sure is the first female Ferengi to be seen on screen, and her struggle to be more than just a naked, submissive woman. Watching her fall for Quark while at the same time, watching Quark unconsciously fall for her was truly great to see and by the end, I had massive chills as the episode ends so bittersweetly.

Necessary Evil began as some gothic horror mystery episode revolving around Quark and ended as a touching Odo and Kira episode revolving around a murder mystery. The lighting was some of the best in the show and created some very dramatic and contrasting environments. Also, FLASHBACKS! We get to see DS9 when it is controlled by the Cardassians and Odos' first interactions with Kira and Quark. I loved the plot, the emotion, the struggle for Odo to choose sides, Rom's weird screams, and most of all, the ending. The ending left me with my mouth open and chills everywhere. Another bittersweet, lingering ending that this show just does so well.



Odo interrogating Rom at the start is such a funny scene! "Clear your mind of anything in it...if there's anything there..." "I see the bar, with my name on it!" "The PAST Rom, not the future..."


I always thought the time before DS9 during the conflict between the Cardassians and the Federation would make a great setting for a TNG era gritty Star Trek series.