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The end of the 3 episode arc brought about a fantastic climax episode in "The Siege"! I loved that the siege wasn't just the Bajorans sieging DS9, but also Sisko and co. sieging back DS9... a siege within a siege! I could really tell there was a budget in this episode and we got a glimpse of an EPIC ship battle over Bajor which was so much fun to witness, as well as some great set piece moments and lots of cool character interactions.

Invasive Procedures felt a lot more like season 1 in the respect that it was an episodic episode however, it still felt like it had a small budget increase from the last season due to the insane space shots that kept appearing periodically throughout the episode. I loved taking a closer look at the Trills again as a species and found the exchange of the symbiont from one host to another very fascinating. The change in personality and demeanour was a cool touch and having the antagonist be a trill with Dax inside of him (along with some fun Klingons!) was a very entertaining premise.


Marcus Jones

So, just joined at the star trek level with no merch as I live a minimalist lifestyle and do not collect things anymore. I have been enjoying your star trek reactions for quite some time. Don't let the haters get you down. I think you are great. At age 5, I started watching the original series reruns every day in the mid 1970 on a 13 inch black and white television. So, in other words, long time fan, first time writing. I like that you are intrigued about the Trill, and I am hoping you remember that The Trill were introduced in season 4 of 5 of TNG, in an episode I want to say was called The Host, they introduce Odan, a trill ambassador and the son of a famous ambassador that brokered the peace now threatened between two planets or moons or a moon orbiting a planet or some such, but Idan is injured and it is revealed not just that the host is dying and the parasite must live on (yes, Doctor Beverly called a parasitic being), so it is transferred to Riker. No one in the Federation knows anything about the trill joining process, no indication that Trill is part of the Federation, the species design has heavy makeup that probably took at least 4 to 6 hours a day in the makeup chair just to put the prosthetics on an remove them. And most problematic of all for future stories, Odan is injured on a shuttle, which is damaged, and when the Enterprise wants to beam Odan and Riker out, Odan begs Riker to stop them, saying that he will not survive going through the transporter. It is revealed that the transporter process interrupts the connection between the host and symbiont. So, I am going out of my way not to reveal anything about the plot not directly related to the troll species. If you haven't seen it, you need to. It is an extremely problematic episodes raising all kinds of alarms about consent and the right to bodily autonomy, which were actually raised by the unauthorized cloning of the Mariposan people in When The Bough Breaks in season 2 of TNG. But The Host raises these red flags in what it fails to say, and the implications are alarming. Perhaps most horrifying of all, the hosts seem interchangeable here. There is no evidence that any host is part of the parasites mind in any way, and it is almost implied that the hosts life basically ends when they are joined, and these people are sacrificing their lives and their bodies to an immortal slug, which I should mention is joined in this episode through a surgical procedure in which the abdominal cavity is laid open and the slug placed inside. This is by far the worst part of world building for the race in this episode. It is completely counterintuitive to think that this relationship could have evolved naturally. Did the slugs just wait for the trill to develop advanced surgical techniques, until one day a doctor said, I found this slug in a pool of milk in a cave. I think I will slice people open and stick the slug inside various body parts until something happens. It makes no sense. So, the trill had fascinating implications, but was never properly explored. So say you are dying to use the trill again, but you need to reexamine the concept of the trill, take what has a point, try to fix what is broken, and decide what to do with the rest. One of the most profound things they changed about the race design is also the most subtle. Go back and watch Jadzia's joining ceremony from her Orb experience in The Emmissary. What actually happens in the scene may have registered as a profound misstep in prosthetic design to you at the time is actually red meat to the lifelong trek superfans like me, because someone was actually paying attention. You will see why it is so important. I will sum up what happens in the scene. Jadzia and a dying Kurzon are lying on some kind of operating table. I want to say everyone is wearing red. A Trill lifts up what appears to be a flap of skin from an unnoticeable incision

Graham Pilato

Varad Dax is such a pitiful and yet interesting character. I've always found Invasive Procedures to be a very moving and yet bitter episode. Dax will keep that set of memories forever, even though it was only a few hours. It's the first time we see Jadzia so vulnerable too. Terry Ferrell really grows immensely as an actor over the second season with all the great character examination and growth Jadzia gets, pretty much starting here. But! Quark should still probably have been kicked off the station for what he did here, even if he helps to solve the problem he created. It's pretty annoying to realize that.

RolyPolyOllie Reactions

Yeah I don't know how Quark manages to stay on the station after this episode. I also agree with you on Varad Dax. He was a very interesting, sad, and frustrating character and the implications on Jadzia Dax after this episode were a lot to take in

RolyPolyOllie Reactions

Thank you for writing in and watching my reactions! I see what you mean by the Trill basically sacrificing their lives for this slug entity but I still find their species super interesting to learn about!