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I don't have that many words to describe how much I liked Duet as I am still processing it. Every Kira episode has been a banger and this one was no exception. Her arc in this episode dealing with always wanting to criminalize Cardassians because they are Cardassians to slowly understanding the fault in that logic was very emotional to watch. The final two minutes of this episode are some of the best Star Trek has had to offer so far.

In the Hands of Prophets was another amazing episode and a really nice way to end the season! The struggle between science and religion has always been an issue and it would make sense that it is still an issue so far into the future, especially when you consider how religiously inclined the Bajorans are. The episode never picks a side with religion or science, instead, it shows the issues with extreme beliefs leaving little to no room for compromises. It was thrilling to watch at times with a cool slow-mo Sisko jump to boot.


James Ventola

Ollie, welcome to DS9! You passed Season 1, and as I remember it, each season gets better and better :) Season 1, Kira episodes are bangers, but i feel like mid seasons, every character has banger episodes. You start getting amazing O'Brien episodes, amazing Sisko episodes, hilarious quark episodes. Every character starts getting banger episodes. Kira was just the first. But i think once they brought in the TNG writers and they learned these characters they started getting every episode being top of the line.

Sarcastic Star Trek

I'm glad you liked Duet. The scenes with Kira in the holding office are so intense. "I would send Cardassian soldiers out to kill Bajoran scum, and they'd come back covered in blood, but they felt CLEAN now WHY did they feel clean, Major? Because they WERE. CLEAN."