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The Nagus was a fun Ferengi episode with cool additions of Ferengi lore that I didn't know of. While the Nagus himself looked like a shrivelled old potato that had been left out in the sun for years, it was pretty cool to see him as a leadership figure and to see how Ferengi deal in their business outside of Quark's Bar. Also, Jake is a peach of a human and watching him help Nog read brought a tear to my eye.

Vortex was an episode that I have been waiting for as I have been anticipating an Odo centric episode for a while and this did not disappoint! Watching Odo yearn to understand who he is, and getting one small step closer to knowing that answer was so great to watch and I can't wait to see this journey in the future. Also, there is a ship battle in the Vortex with one of the best looking shots in the whole show so far!


g g gooding

Ollie...if you don't know, look up the actor who plays The Nagus.

Be Mindful

The TNG Ferengi were imo bland, simplistic and frankly unappealing. When I saw Quark being part of the main cast I couldn't help but feel disappointed. That all changed after getting to know them in Deep Space Nine and they even provide a few gems of episodes. Looking forward to the next two.