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part 2 was kinda terrifying


UNCUT STAR TREK TNG Chain of Command Parts 1+2

Hello Everybody! The Cardassians are brutal PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/


Raven Dark

These two episodes are so good. I always forget how good they are until I rewatch them. It's easier if I comment on them both separately, so I'll leave another comment for part two. "Some of the Cardassians look hunky in this episode." You are not alone in this, actually. They don't do anything for me, but I have a friend who has massive crushes on some of the Cardassians, and I've heard other fans do too. To each his/her own, right? I do love them as villains, though. I also really like Captain Jellico in this one. I know he doesn't like Riker, and Riker is one of my favorite characters, but I thought the low-key rivalry between them is well acted and well written here.

Raven Dark

Just finished watching the second part, and my god, what a great reaction, Ollie. This second episode is fabulous, despite it being incredibly hard to watch. The acting is amazing. I remember seeing this episode when it first came out, and it was a huge shock that a show such as TNG went there. I like that they didn't pull any punches or try to short change us with how intense it was, either out of fear that viewers wouldn't be able to handle it, or because there would be blowback from it. I heard about the research Sir Patrick Stewart did for this episode, and I'm not surprised. He did a mindboggling job of acting here. It's gut-wrenching. And I, too, found it incredibly satisfying when he shouted at the end, "There! Are! Four! Lights!" Also, his ending line, "I believed I could see five lights," still gives me chills. So good.