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Hey everyone! Thank you for your amazing feedback on the new TNG episodes I will be watching before diving into DS9! Every two episodes is a video and there will be 10 videos total. Almost all the episodes are organized in release order EXCEPT for Relics which I moved after Chain of Command 1 and 2 as I wanted to watch those two episodes back to back. 

Here is the revised list with some new suggestions added and I hope you enjoy the new videos! :)

Episodes (Order of Watch):

  • "Datalore" (Season 1, Ep 13)
  • “11001001” (Season 1, Ep 15)
  • “Skin of Evil” (Season 1, Ep 23)
  • “Measure of a Man” (Season 2, Ep 9)
  • “Contagion” (Season 2, Ep 11)
  • “The Emissary” (Season 2, Ep 20)
  • “Yesterdays Enterprise” (Season 3, Ep 15)
  • "Brothers" (Season 4, Ep 3)
  • "Reunion" (Season 4, Ep 7)
  • "The Wounded" (Season 4, Ep 12)
  • “Q”Pid (Season 4, Ep 20)
  • "Ensign Ro" (Season 5, Ep 3)
  • "Chain Of Command, Part I" (Season 6, Ep 10)
  • "Chain Of Command, Part II" (Season 6, Ep 11)
  • “Relics” (Season 6, Ep 4)
  • "Tapestry” (Season 6, Ep 15)
  • "Descent" (Season 6, Ep 26 )
  • "Descent, Part II" (Season 7, Ep 1)
  • "The Pegasus" (Season 7, Ep 12)
  • "Lower Decks" (Season 7, Ep 15)

AFTER DS9 “Preemptive Strike" (Season 7, Ep 24) and other favourites such as Remember Me, Future Imperfect, Darmok, and more!



Great choice, Ollie. I always liked Who Watches The Watchers from Season 3. Maybe you will get this, too, one day.