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Khan is so cool



Hello Everybody! I didn't know that Kirk knows WWE PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/



I don't see where anyone else has answered this, so here goes: Trek's Earth history in a nutshell. 1990s: human spaceflight has started sending manned probes as far as Saturn, but there's trouble brewing at home. Ambitious geneticists are breeding "supermen" (and superwomen), and they seize power across Asia. War erupts and they are eventually deposed. (This war seems to have been fought almost entirely in Asia, given evidence seen in a future episode.) Khan and his followers are exiled on the Botany Bay spacecraft and genetic engineering is banned on Earth. There are severe social problems in the early 21st Century, leading to some upheavals in the U.S. and elsewhere. Despite what Spock says here, the actual World War III takes place sometime later, in the 2050s. This time nuclear weapons are used. On screen evidence is scant, but judging by "Encounter at Farpoint," its fair to say that Asia was hit hard. The lack of any appearances of New York, Washington DC and Los Angeles in the run of TOS/TNG/DS9 may indicate that those cities were destroyed as well. The "Post Atomic Horror" sees more dark times for society. In 2063, first contact with the Vulcans (ST: First Contact), and humans rapidly rebuild and clean up Earth in the century that follows, while developing more warp driven spacecraft. So, that's all I can say without getting too deep into spoilers.

Christina BD

You’re right, you don’t have to see Space Seed before TWOK because the movie explains who Khan is pretty well, but it sure is simply fun to know the backstory! You should go back and rewatch TWOK at some point for sure :)