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Here is my list of TOS episodes that I will watch! Let me know what you think of this list! I will only change episodes if there is a real outcry of people wanting me to watch another one or get rid of an episode all together. I think this list gives a good all around impression of the show while also hitting many of the major episodes and character introductions. 

I will be watching between 1-2 episodes a week depending on my time (hopefully 2 most weeks) and so this should last a few months before I move into TNG!


  • The Cage - S0, E0 
  • The Man Trap - S1, E1 
  • The Menagerie part 1 & 2 - S1, E 11 & 12
  • Balance of Terror - S1, E14 
  • The Galileo Seven S1, E16
  • Arena - S1, E18
  • Space Seed - S1, E22
  • Devil in the Dark - S1, E25
  • Errand of Mercy S1, E26
  • The City on the Edge of Forever - S1, E28 
  • Amok Time - S2, E 1
  • Mirror, Mirror - S2, E4
  • The Doomsday Machine - S2, E6
  • Journey To Babel  - S2, E10
  • The Trouble with Tribbles - S2, E15
  • The Enterprise Incident - S3, E2
  • The Tholian Web -  S3, E9

I'm excited to go on this Original Series journey with you all! Stay safe and happy holidays everyone!

-Ollie :)


Ryan Roach

Guess I’ll wait patiently until TNG.


Honestly, I think "This Side of Paradise" should be there. Is one of the best TOS episodes, really important for Kirk and specially Spock characters and their relationship. It´s kinda similar to Star Trek Generations as well.