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Hello Everybody! This was epic PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/


David Olden

On my screen, Netflix, the timer only shows REMAINING time (the number shrinks). On your screen, it’s only showing ELAPSED time (the number grows larger). Time. Anti-time. Mind blown!

David Olden

“…The term tachyon was coined by Gerald Feinberg in a 1967 paper titled "Possibility of faster-than-light particles". …”

Raven Dark

Great reaction to a fantastic finale, Ollie. So glad you did this for us. Yes, it was poker they were playing. So, a few things I heard about while watching specials on this show over the years. You mentioned how you weren't sure what they were saying whenever they got into the technical talk. For this show, there is a lot of made up terms when it comes to the medical or technical stuff. That made up element became so well-known that it became known as technobabble, which is now a phrase people use for things that have nothing to do with Star Trek. They'll use it similar to the word gobblidegook, to imply something that sounds super hard to understand in relation to technical things, as in, it sounds like a lot of technobabble. Also, in relation to the technobabble, apparently, on Star Trek shows, there is a person hired specifically for the task of coming up with names and words for things. So in this episode, the tachion pulse is something that person had to name. Not sure if that person also had to name things like the planets or the star systems, or if that was another person, or if Gene Roddenberry did that himself, at last until he passed away, but I do know that he or she would take care of all the technobabble stuff. I wouldn't necessarily say you should watch the whole show from start to finish, but there is a lot of it that you should watch. I do, however, have one episode I think you should react to, and that's Today's Enterprise. There are others too, but if I had to choose only one, it would be that one. I'm fairly sure it's a big fan favorite, so I think you'd have enough interest at least for that one to make it worth reacting to on the channel. Can't wait to watch the movies with you, and to hang out with you and the TNG crew again. As Q said, see you...out there.