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Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you all know what the deal is with videos now that I am back from vacation. 

As you are probably aware, I released Licence to Kill on Monday. Now, I have watched my next two films and I am currently editing them both, but I will probably release them next week. This is so I can be two weeks ahead of Youtube and 1 week ahead of Patreon with my videos in order to reduce the amount of stress on me as well as reduce any potential rush with the editing. I would rather have a week to edit a video before it is released than a day or two. 

Unfortunately, this means that there will be no more new videos until next Wednesday where I will release my Superman 2 Donner Cut video, however, once that is released, everything will be back to normal (i.e. 3 videos a week and a Patreon Exclusive every 2 weeks). Thank you all for staying so patient this month and I am excited for new videos to be released soon. I hope you all understand and if you have any questions please let me know :)




Dylan Platt

Glad to have you back, hope you had a blast on your trip!