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He is a psycho, and he is American



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Kade (Sydney, AU)

I think you nailed it Ollie, except for one thing: the movie constantly invites us to adopt Patrick's inability to actually care about consequences. What does it really matter who he killed? He's still an awful person. Even if he killed no-one. And the SOCIETY that births people like this has its own disease, and that is the important takeaway from everything mundane in the movie: the hypocrisy of the wall street banker, the shallow transactional nature of relationships, wealth and status in that world etc. So yeah, he is a really unreliable narrator, and yeah, probably he did do some of the more spelled out things that we see on screen, but the movie is designed like a multi facted lenticular lense, you will see more or less of the individual acts as being real or unreal as you stare and roll the movie back and forth in your head. But this means nothing. I think maybe the director or the screenwriter or someone has said the stuff after the cat is definitely meant to be a full breakdown, but the whole bit with the diary is meant to undermine that as well. Contradiction... an interesting one though, because Patrick is not in that scene. So I wouldn't listen to the narrator who leaked that production tidbit either. We are clearly meant to have no clear idea whether ANY of it happened, because it is ALL in the diary and that is the only scene that is omnipresent POV.