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Hey guys!

If you have been following me on my Letterboxd you may have noticed that I haven't been watching any movies recently. That's because I actually got Covid (and still have it) so I have just been to exhausted to do anything these past couple of days. 

I'm hoping that this doesn't happen but there is a chance that there will be an upcoming week with no movies so I can get ahead of the schedule again. 

I hope everyone is doing ok as well! Just wanted to get you guys in the loop and let you know.

-Ollie :)


Sage hellohi821

That is terrible! Health comes first, so try not to worry too much about not posting anything. Get healed up so that you can be at your best when you come back. Get well soon!

Justin Schroeck

Ugh... I hope it's mild and hope the family stays healthy..... Don't worry about the channel...everyone'll understand.. Rest up and feel better.