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Tori vs Amanda is the new match of the century



Hello Everybody! I love watching Daniel and Johnny train each other PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/


Raven Dark

"Oh, come on, kids aren't really this mean." Yes they are. When I was a kid, around 17, I went out for Halloween with a small group of friends. About three of us, I think. When we were waiting with one of our friends for his bus to show up so he could go home at the end of the night, a large group of kids from school showed up. We were right by the school, And by large group, I mean 10 to 15 kids. I wish I was kidding. Not only did they start throwing eggs on me, and my friends, but they started calling me names and threatening to kill me. Yes, kill. Me. Different kids from the same group bullied me for over a year. They used to chase me down halls, drop stuff and force me to pick it up, and chase me down in cars. One of them almost ran me over. They targeted anyone who dared to be my friend. It got so bad, one of my closest friends stopped hanging around with me out of fear. Being around me put a target on her back. If you watch that scene, there were fewer kids laughing at Kenny than those kids I dealt with that night. I eventually had to leave school and move to another city because they started doing it outside of school. I was Daniel in school. I was Kenny. Do you know why? It wasn't because I was an asshole, or because I did anything bad to them or anyone they cared about. It was because I had cerebral palsy. That's why it pisses me off when people say Daniel was the bully. Don't worry. I got them back. At the end of the year, before I moved, on the last day of school, I threw one of those kids in a dumpster. :D Johnny would be proud. LOL Great reaction, Ollie. Looking forward to watching the rest of the season with you.